
(En)gendering Resistance: Exploring the Possibilities of Gender,
Resistance and Militancy

WPIRG’s 2013 School of Public Interest Conference
April 19th-21st
University of Waterloo

Call for Proposals!

Examining the social, political and economic realities of gender, as well as the
liberatory possibilities of militant resistance to gender based oppression, WPIRG’s
2013 School of Public Interest will focus on the theme of (en)gendering resistance.
A purposeful play on words, the conference theme is intended to encompass
reflections on the lived experience of gender, the gendering of activism, and
strategies for fostering vibrant resistance movements.

Taking place April 19th-21st at the University of Waterloo, the weekend long
conference will bring together community organizers, activists and students, to
critically discuss issues related to gender and resistance/resisting gender. Shaping,
while simultaneously being shaped by the ways in which we live, love, fuck and
resist, the intricacies and potentialities of gender will be explored.

Our vision is to provide an inclusive space to engage in dialogue that challenges
the narratives of the mainstream feminist movement, expanding its critique
and radicalizing its practice. We dream of a feminism that does not seek the
inclusion of marginalized identities within the dominant order, but rather, strives
to unapologetically challenge the dominant order itself. How can we develop a
movement for gender justice that is necessarily anti-capitalist, anti-colonial and
critical of state institutions? How can we foster resistance practices that are firmly
rooted in anti-racism and an intersectional analysis of gender?

Patriarchy and gendered oppressions are everyday perpetuated within our
communities and movements. Sexism, queer and transphobia permeate social
justice groups and organizations. Gender violence and sexual assault occur with
tragic frequently within our ‘safe’ spaces. How can we challenge the reproduction
of gender oppression within broader social and environmental justice movements?
How can we develop non-state responses to issues of sexual violence? What
potential exists for the construction of holistic and nurturing communities of
resistance? How can we strengthen our ongoing work, and build our collective
capacity to resist?

In the spirit of engendering resistance, WPIRG invites community-based activists,
those struggling everyday against gender oppression, supporters, and anyone who
sees value in gathering to resist and share strategies, to participate!

Possible topics can include (but are in no way limited to):

– queer/ing resistance

– building a trans* inclusive movement

– feminisms/ (trans) feminisms/ anarcha-feminisms

– capitalism and the material reproduction of gender

– intersections and reflections on gender, sexuality, race and class

– gender and disability justice

– histories of gender resistance

– gender and militancy/the gendering of militant resistance

– sexism, queer and transphobia within social movements

– challenging gender violence and rape culture

– community accountability: perils, pitfalls and possibilities

– the policing of bodies and enforcement of gender

– gender, incarceration and the prison industrial complex

– gender and the media

We welcome individuals, groups, and organizations to submit proposals for
workshops, presentations, panel discussions, art installations, and performance
pieces. From theoretical discussions to artistic explorations, from practical strategy
sessions and skill-shares, we welcome a diversity of presentation formats. We
acknowledge that discussions of gender cannot be separated from considerations
of race, class, sexuality, ability and age, and encourage proposals that consider such

Please submit proposals, including a 1-page description and facilitator bio to by March 13th, 2013 at 9am. Travel subsidies will be available to
cover travel costs for conference presenters, and a modest honorarium will be

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